The EES SDK is a Node library to interact with the EES protocol in a typescript/javascript environment. It is built with viem and contains functionality that makes it easy to query data from and interact with the EES contracts among other features. The implementation can be found here.
Interactions requiring querying on-chain data require the user to supply a viem public client. Some functionality like executing a job or generating a sponsor signature requires the user to additionally supply a viem wallet client.
Installation and setup
The SDK can be installed through npm.
After installation, the SDK contains a class called EESSDK which can be initialized as follows:
Now you are ready to start interacting with EES!
Warning: Make sure to replace YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY
with your own private key and RPC url. Remember to never store these in plain text in your project.
Note: The EES protocol is currently only deployed on the Base Sepolia network.
Last updated